Getting Footie Fit

18 March 2016

A game of footie a day, keeps the doctor away…

In these days of Netflix marathons and computer games, a lot of us – if we’re being honest – don’t get as much exercise as we ought to. We know we should be doing more to get active and all that, but we’re not really sure how to go about it.

 If the thought of forking out for a gym membership that you’ll only use or twice once doesn’t appeal, and the idea of long evenings spent jogging alone bores you to tears, don’t write off working out just yet.

In fact, we’d say football is the perfect fitness solution, and here are six great reasons why.

 Good for your heart

Football’s a constant mix of sprinting, jogging and walking. Studies have shown that a varied pace is best for burning calories, so that’s good news for footie players. On top of that, increased heart rate helps lower blood pressure and stop buildup in your coronary arteries. The bottom line: playing football is great for your ticker.

 Good for your bones

Experts say that regular varied exercise like football is a great way to build bone strength. Usually, bone density decreases as we age, so regular footie is also a great way to reduce the effects of aging and make our skeletons stronger.

 Good for stamina

Running at different speeds and intensities increases aerobic capacity– that’s a fancy way of saying it helps build up your stamina over time.

 Good for muscles

To a casual viewer, it might not look like football players use a lot of muscle strength. But looks can be deceiving.

Kicking, jumping, tackling and changing directions all need decent lower body strength. Holding off opponents and throw-ins need upper body strength and overall power. Altogether, the different elements of footie build up great whole body strength.


 Good for coordination

Body coordination is improved through practising complex moves like dribbling, turning and passing, which are performed often during a football game. Not only that, but hand-eye coordination is improved when players kick the ball or receive a pass from a teammate.

Good for confidence

Last, but definitely not least, building physical strength and endurance helps build a player’s confidence both on and off the field.

Confidence and self-esteem aren’t just useful on the pitch. They’re also a bonus for your everyday life. Football releases feel-good endorphins into the body that reduce stress.


Try our Youth Club Session at Oliver Hind Youth Club in Sneinton, Thursdays, 6.30-9.30pm, free.

Can’t make that? Check out all our upcoming sessions and find one that works for you here.

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