What's the Deal With the Offside Rule?

15 February 2016

It's known as the hardest to grasp, most inexplicable football rule. But is it really that hard to get your head around the offside rule?

The offside rule is famous as the most complicated concept in football. There have been loads of long and failed attempts to demonstrate it using salt and pepper shakers, pint glasses, chess pieces or whatever else is close to hand since time immemorial. All, apparently, to no avail.

That’s the story, anyway.

We’re not so sure. Can it really be that hard to understand one of the oldest rules in football?

With that in mind, here are a couple of things to remember about the offside rule…

The offside position

A player is in an offside position if they’re nearer to the opposition’s goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent (think the last opposing player from the goalie).

Being offside isn’t always breaking the rules

A player in the offside position is only penalised if the ref rules that they’re doing one of three things: interfering with play, interfering with an opponent, or gaining an advantage from being in the offside position.

What does it mean?

Basically, it’s breaking the rules if you’re in the offside position and are passed the ball by a teammate. You can’t distract opponents or block their line of sight while offside. Finally, you can’t use your offside position to get an advantage with the ball. For example, if you’re in an offside position, you can’t play a ball that rebounds to you off a crossbar or another player.

Sounds simple enough... right?

If the offside rule still seems a bit obscure, you can always ask one of our brilliant coaches for an expert explanation. There are loads of sessions running with professional coaches across the city, for all ages and genders.

Over 14s of all genders could try out our sessions at Mapperley Sports Village, free, Wednesdays, 5pm.

If that doesn’t suit, browse all our activities here and find one to fit.


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